Home » News center » 124WCB2、224WCB2、324WCBWCB2、424WCB2
      Promulgator :admin      Time:2017-08-10
Common model:
124WCB2, 224WCB2, 324WCBWCB2, 424WCB2,
Name, drawing number, drawing number, drawing number
Install flange assembly 513348-01, 513348-01, 513348-01, 513348-01
Installing flanges 513337513337513337, 513337
The static friction of copper 508459508459508459 508459
Force screw 000245*0069, 000245*0069, 000245*0069, 000245*0069
Moving friction plate 508725508725508725, 508725
Dynamic friction disc core 510745510745510745, 510745
Clamps 306542-05, 306542-20, 306542-23, 306542-24
Pressing disk assembly 513348-03, 513348-03, 513348-03, 513348-03
Pressure plate 513345513345513345, 513345
Flat gaskets 000153*0641, 000153*0641, 000153*0641, 000153*0641
Screw nut 000110*0073, 000110*0073, 000110*0073, 000110*0073
Cylinder 513264513264513264, 513264
Inner sealing ring 000402*0023, 000402*0023, 000402*0023, 000402*0023
Outer sealing ring 000402*0024, 000402*0024, 000402*0024, 000402*0024
Gears 411672410970412433, 413195
Wear ring N/A 308396308396308396
N/A 513348-02 513348-02 copper friction component 513348-02
Static friction disc core N/A 513343513343513343
Pistons 513317513317513317, 513317
Reset spring 416751-02, 416751-02, 416751-02, 416751-02
Inner band 413107413107413107, 413107
Outer band 413108413108413108, 413108
000294*407, 000294*407, 000294*407, 000294*407
Pipe plug 000077*0021, 000077*0021, 000077*0021, 000077*0021
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