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driller’s console “gas lose” indicating light
      Promulgator :admin      Time:2016-11-06
paralleling generators into the general line of system. The paralleling system includes the
following equipments:
描 述Description
A 1 同步表 synchronical meter
B 1 电压表(0-750V) voltmeter
C 1 频率表(55-65Hz) frequency table
D 1 发电机的同步选择开关 synchronical option switch of generator
E 2 同步灯 synchronical light
F 1 同步确认继电器 synchronical confirmation relay 接地检测网络 Grounding inspection network
Grounding inspection system detects the failures of AC circuit and DC circuit through a set
of grounding resistance, there is a grounding test button used for confirming whether the
failure is made by the burnt bulb. Grounding inspection network consists of the following parts:
描 述 Description
A 1 直流接地百分表100%—0—100%
DC grounding percentage table100%—0—100%
B 1 交流接地百分表0—100% AC grounding percentage table 0—100%
C 3 接地检测灯 grounding detection light
D 1 测试按钮 test button 功率限制控制器 Controller of power limitation
两者之中任何一个超过预先设定的限度,该系统便降低SCR 的输出,直至每台发电机的载荷降
Power limitation system will detect the active power(kW)of diesel engine in each set of
generator and general power of generator(kVA). If any one exceeds the fixed limitation
beforehand, the system will decrease the SCR output, until the load of each generator
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decreases below the limitation value of generator. There is a power percentage table on
driller’s console; the table indicates the load’s percentage in power limitation value. When
the load is near the limitation value, the warning light on the driller’s console will begin to
glimmer. 手动关断电路(HOC) Hand Operation circuit(HOC)
Automatic start up the power circuit, it is used in the situation that there is no any other
power source on site to start the first diesel engine. This circuit supply power to”diesel engine
start and impulse detection return circuit” of AC control module to start the first diesel engine
through two 12V batteries. Besides, there is a set of small-size commutation bridge which gets
AC from generator and transform into the needed DC, supply power to start the circuit. 泥浆泵皮带轮防滑电路Antislip circuit of mud pump pulley
皮带轮防滑电路为同一SCR 桥并联驱动的2 台串励电机提供超速保护。由于皮带轮驱动中
的机械故障,如果2 台电机中的任何1 台超过预定的速度极限, 该电路通过打开直流指配接触
器,切断输送到2 台电机的电力。
Antislip circuit of pulley supplies over speeding protection for two series wound motors
which moved by the parallel connection drive of the same SCR Bridge. To the mechanical
failure of the pulley’s moving, if any one set of the two motors over the preset speed
limitation, the circuit will cut off power transported to the two motors through opening DC
pointed contactor.
指示灯和按钮安装在SCR 柜门上,指示灯亮指示皮带轮打滑调闸。按钮用于皮带轮打滑故
障复位。皮带轮打滑电路通过HEDS(霍尔传感器) 测量每台电机的电流并将这些值与SCR 桥的
电压输出相对比以探测超速情况。The indicating lights and buttons are installed on the door of
SCR cabinet, the indicating light is on and indicates slipping and off break of the pulley. The
buttons are used for the slipping failure place of pulley. The pulley slipping circuit measures the
current of each motor through HECS, and compares the value with the voltage output of SCR
bridge to detect the situation of over speed. 系统主PLC 柜 Main PLC cabinet of system
系统主PLC 为高速、通用组合式小型PLC。PLC 用于SCR 房与司钻台和其它钻井设备的连
接通讯。另外PLC 还完成SCR 桥逻辑指配关系。PLC 有以下特性:
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Main PLC of system is high speed, current and assembled small type PLC. PLC is
used for connection communication of SCR house, driller’s consol and other
drilling equipments. Besides, the PLC also finishes the logical arrangement of SCR
bridge. PLC has the following features:
描 述 Descriptions
A 西门子S7-300 组合式PLC siemens S7-300 assembled PLC
B 32 位固定及浮动点运算CPU calculate CPU by 32-location anchoring and floating dot
C 1024 点数字输入/1024 点数字输出 1024 bit digital input/ 1024 bit digital output
D 256 点模拟输入/256 点模拟输出 256 bit analog input/256 bit analog output
E 整个指令装置可嵌装 the whole instruction set can be embedded
F 自诊断功能 self-diagnostic functions
G 专用通讯电缆 special communication cables 绞车能耗制动装置 Arresting device of drawworks energy consumption
松开脚踏开关后,在10 到15 秒之间,能耗制动会将绞车电机的速度从全速降至预定的猫头
After Loosing the footpad, between 10 to 15 seconds, energy consumption arrestment will
decrease the speed of drawworks’ motor from full to preset cathead’ speed. Transport the
power generated by DC motor into a group of grid resistance through monodirectional
contactor. The energy consumption arrestment device will not work when the drawworks
works regularly, the actual speed of drawworks exceeds the setting speed at any time,
drawworks energy consumption arrestment will work automatically. 智能游车防碰系统 anti-bump system of intelligent travelling block
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Anti-bump system of intelligent travelling block is a kind of advanced protection equipment
which can prevent rig from accidents happened to travelling block, in the operation
process, anti-bump system of intelligent travelling block will automatically detect and
indicates the height position of travelling block in the touch screen, when the travelling
block runs to the early warming height on the top of mast or to the early warming height
on driller’s console, the system will raise acoustooptic early warming signal, and decrease
the travelling block to safety speed and operate, when the travelling block runs to the
danger height on top of mast or runs to the danger height on driller’s console, the system
will raise acoustooptic early warming signal, will also decrease the motor’s speed to zero,
output passive connection point signal to make the disc to break, and guarantee the
safety operation of travelling block.
要重新校准仍可正常工作 。
Anti-bump system of intelligent travelling block also has the position memory functions,
when power failure happens abruptly or other reasons, travelling block may stop in any height
place, anti-bump system of intelligent travelling block will automatically remember the position
of travelling block, when resume power supply, the travelling block start again, the system will
no need to adjust again and can still work normally. 司钻控制台 Driller’s console
司钻控制台由304 不锈钢制成,手轮为实心不锈钢制成,提供100%备份功能。司钻控制台
为水密结构并带有密封门。按照NFPA 496,该司钻台装有充气装置,可应用于I 类II 部D 组危
险区域。钻机供气装置将与外部85psi 至150psi 的干燥空气源相连。司钻台内部装有调压器以保
持相对于外界为正压。司钻台和PLC 柜之间采用专用通讯电缆通讯,电缆从司钻台底部进入。
Driller’s console is made of 304 stainless steel; handwheel is made of honest stainless
steel, which offers 100% backup functions. Driller’s console is watertight structure with
seal door. According to NFPA 496,This driller’s console equipped with air charging system,
which can be used in danger area of I class II part D group. The rig’s air charging device
connects with outside dry air source from 85psi to150psi. There is voltage regulator inside
the driller’s console to keep the barotropy comparing with the outside world. It adopts
special communication cable between the driller’s console and PLC cabinet, the cable
comes in from the bottom.
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描 述Description
A 4 泥浆泵1 速度给定手轮 mud pump 1 speed given handwheel
泥浆泵2 速度给定手轮 mud pump 2 speed given handwheel
泥浆泵3 速度给定手轮mud pump 3 speed given handwheel
绞车速度给定手轮 given handwheel of drawworks speed
转盘速度给定手轮 given handwheel of rotary speed
B 7 SCR 指配开关 SCR appointed switches
泥浆泵1 风机开关“开-关” mud pump 1 air- blower switch “on-off”
泥浆泵2 风机开关“开-关” mud pump 2 air- blower switch “on-off”
绞车工作状态选择开关“正转-停止-反转” option switch of drawworks’ working
situation “right hand direction-stop-backward running”
转盘工作状态选择开关“正转-停止-反转” option switch of rotary table working
situation “right hand direction-stop-backward running”
C 2 转盘电流表 ammeter of rotary table
百分功率限制表 limitation meter of percent power
D 17
发电机1“在线”指示灯 generator 1 “online” indicating light
发电机2“在线”指示灯 generator 2 “online” indicating light
发电机3“在线”指示灯 generator 3 “online” indicating light
发电机4“在线”指示灯 generator 4 “online” indicating light
SCR1“工作”指示灯 SCR 1 “work” indicating light
SCR2“工作”指示灯 SCR 2 “work” indicating light
SCR3“工作”指示灯 SCR 3 “work” indicating light
SCR4“工作”指示灯 SCR 4 “work” indicating light
泥浆泵1 风机“工作”指示灯 mud pump 1 air-blower “work” indicating light
泥浆泵2 风机“工作”指示灯 mud pump 2 air-blower “work” indicating light
泥浆泵3 风机“工作”指示灯 mud pump 3 air-blower “work” indicating light
绞车风机“工作”指示灯 air-blower of drawworks “work” indicating light
转盘风机“工作”指示灯 air-blower of rotary table “work” indicating light
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描 述Description
司钻台“气损”指示灯 driller’s console “gas lose” indicating light
“功率限制”指示灯 “power limitation” indicating light
接地故障指示灯 grounding failure indicating light
E 4 直流紧急关闭按钮 DC emergency shut down button
交流紧急关闭按钮 AC emergency shut down button
故障复位按钮 failure replace button
静灯测试按钮 quiet light test button
F 1 转盘钮矩限制电位器 restriction potentiometer of rotary table torque
G 1 TP170A 触摸屏 TP 170A touch screen
H 1 Z 型增压系统 Z type supercharging system
I 1 套
1 set
插座和插头 Socket and plug 脚踏开关 Footpad
脚踏开关由304 不锈钢制成,适用于钻台上的环境条件。包括双不锈钢复位弹簧,一旦1 只
根3 芯电缆直接与司钻台相连。
Footpad is made of the 304 stainless steel, is suitable for the ambient condition on the
driller’s console. It includes he couple stainless steel reset spring, once a spring loses
effectiveness, footpad will replace automatically. It also includes the dry air supply which
connected with driller’s console. Footpad connects with driller’s console through 1 piece 3 rush
pith cable directly. 600V 馈电器 feeding machine
提供以下600V 馈电断路器。 Supply the following 600V feeding breaker.
额 定
描 述 Descriptions
1 1 1600AF/1250AT 固定安装,600V, 3P,
MCC 变压器馈电断路器,安装在2 号发电机

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1600AF/1250AT anchoring
installation,600V, 3P, 65Kaic
MCC transformer feeding breaker, installed
in the #2 generator cabinet
2 1 1600AF/1250AT anchoring
installation,600V, 3P, 65kAIC
1600AF/1250AT 固定安装,600V, 3P,
1600AF/1250AT anchoring
installation,600V, 3P, 65kAIC
顶驱变压器馈电断路器,安装在3 号发电机柜
Top drive transformer feeding breaker,
installed in the #3 generator cabinet 600: 460 变压器transformer
为给所有辅助MCC 设备供电,提供下列干式变压器:
In order to supply power for all assistant MCC equipments, offer the following dry transformer:
项目 数量
描 述Descriptions
1 1
1250KVA,600V: 460V,60Hz,3φ,铜线绕阻,环氧树脂浇注
1250KVA,600V: 460V,60Hz,3φ,copper line coil, epoxy resin pouring 460:208Y120 变压器transformer
In order to supply power for all assistant lighting and life electricity used equipments, offer the
following dry transformer:
描 述 Descriptions
1 1
180KVA,460V:208Y120V(实际为460: 220Y127V),60Hz,3φ,铜线绕阻,
180KVA,460V:208Y120V(actual is 460: 220Y127V),60Hz,3φ,copper line
coil, epoxy resin pouring
Page 62 of 102 变压器460V 二次侧断路器 transformer 460V second side breaker
描 述 Descriptions
A 1 断路器 breaker
手动储能, 手动合闸 manual charging, manual switch on
固定安装 anchoring installation
C 1 电压表, 0-500 V voltmeter
D 1 电流表, 0-2000 A ammeter
E 1 变压器在线指示灯 transformer online indicating light
此断路器与辅机进线断路器互锁。防止辅机向600V 母线反送电。
The breaker interlocked with donkey incoming feeder breaker, prevent donkey from
supplying power for 600V bus bar. 变压器208V 二次侧断路器transformer 208V second side breaker
描 述 Descriptions
A 1 断路器 breaker
手动储能, 手动合闸 manual charging, manual switch on
固定安装 anchoring installation
C 1 电压表, 0-500 V voltmeter
D 1 电流表, 0-1000 A ammeter
E 1 变压器在线指示灯transformer online indicating light 辅助柴油发电机接口 joint of assistant diesel engine
描 述 Descriptions
A 1 断路器 breaker
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手动储能, 手动合闸 manual charging, manual switch on
固定安装 anchoring installation
C 1 电压表, 0-500 V voltmeter
D 1 电流表, 0-750 A ammeter
E 1 辅机在线指示灯 donkey online indicating light 460V 电动机控制中心 motor control center
马达控制中心的技术标准为美国NEMA1 类IB 级,460 伏60 赫兹,配备多路独立控制开关。水
平母线为镀锡铜排,额定电流2000 安培,垂直母线为镀锡铜排,额定电流300 安培。接地铜排跨接
整个马达控制系统。每个启动器都带有一个一二次侧均有熔断器的460: 120 变压器、断路器、接触
The technical standard of motor control center is American NEMA1 class IB grade, 460V,
60hz, equipped with multi-channel independent switch. Horizontal bus bar is tin coat copper lines,
rated current is 2000 A, vertical bus bar is tin coat copper lines, rated current is 300 A. Grounding
copper lines connect in the whole motor control system. Each starter has a 460: 120 transformer,
breaker, contactor, thermorelay and red running indicating light, each of them with fuse.
项目Item 数量
描 述Descriptions
1 1 3kW HOA MP1 喷淋泵 drenching pump
2 1 3kW HOA MP2 喷淋泵drenching pump
3 1 3kW HOA MP1 润滑油泵 lube pump
4 1 3kW HOA MP2 润滑油泵lube pump
4 1 3kW HOA MP3 润滑油泵lube pump
5 1 3kW HOA RT 润滑油泵lube pump
6 1 11kW HOA MP1A 风机air- blower
7 1 11kW HOA MP1B 风机air- blower
8 1 11kW HOA MP2A 风机air- blower
9 1 11kW HOA MP2B 风机air- blower
10 1 11kW HOA MP3A 风机air- blower
11 1 11kW HOA MP3B 风机air- blower
12 1 11kW HOA DWA 风机air- blower
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13 1 11kW HOA DWB 风机air- blower
14 1 11kW HOA RT 风机air- blower
15 2 11kW HOA 备用 spare
16 1 3kW HOA 绞车润滑油泵 lube pump of
17 1 3kW HOA 备用 spare
18 1 55kW 3WRC 液压大钳 hydraulic tongs
19 1 75kW 3WRC 1#混合泵 fixed pump
20 1 75kW 3WRC 2#混合泵fixed pump
21 1 75kW 3WRC+HOA 1#灌注泵 charging pump
22 1 75kW 3WRC+HOA 2#灌注泵charging pump
23 1 75kW 3WRC+HOA 3#灌注泵charging pump
24 1 75kW 3WRC 备用spare
25 1 75kW 3WRC 除泥泵desilter pump
26 1 75kW 3WRC 除砂泵desander pump
27 1 75kW 3WRC 剪切泵 shearing pump
28 2 75kW 3WRC 备用spare
29 2 37KW 3WRC 空压机air compressor
30 1 37KW 3WRC 备用spare
31 2 15 KW 3WRC+2WRC 计量泵 measuring pump
容 量
描 述Description
1 1 400AF/300AT/3P 照明变压器 lighting transformer
2 1 250AF/250AT/3P 1#固控区 solid control area
3 2 150AF/150AT/3P 2#-6#固控区solid control area
4 1 150AF/150AT/3P 录井 well logging
5 2 100AF/100AT/3P 空压机 air compressor
6 1 150AF/150AT/3P 油罐区oil tank area
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